Food storage and polyester film are two juxtaposed terms. People who buy food such as wheat and rice in large quantities use polyester film when storing.

Many people who smoke marijuana also have a strong connection with polyester film. Weed eaters usually buy large quantities of flower buds, which cannot be stored in random containers. There must be a special bag to keep its taste intact. That bag is a Mylar bag.

The pharmacy stores marijuana in these bags. In this way, the product can remain fresh for a long time.

Let's see what Mylar bags are and why they are good for storing marijuana.

Polyester film bag

You may have heard of polyester film because it is very popular in helium balloons. Polyester film is a special material, which was invented by DuPont chemical company in the 1950s. Since its discovery, polyester film has been used for various purposes. The most commonly used type is a helium balloon.

Because polyester film can keep oxygen, heat and moisture, it is the best material for long-term food storage. Therefore, the polyester film bag is a common material for storing cannabis. The working principle of polyester film bags is similar to that of vacuum sealed bags, which protects the stored products from various damages. These bags are light and won't tear easily.

Polyester film bags can not only block air, but also gas. These bags are ideal for storing marijuana because they do not allow air to escape through them. Even if stored in polyester film bags for many years, the taste and smell of weeds will still be as fresh as the first day.

Advantages of polyester film bag

Polyester film bags have many storage advantages that make them different from other storage containers. Since the product quality can be maintained after many years, polyester film bags are the best choice for storing marijuana. This is why it is beneficial:

Maintain quality and maximize service life

By keeping oxygen and moisture, polyester film keeps the product fresh for a long time. Therefore, it is beneficial to store food in a Mylar bag because it can maintain food quality and maximize life.


Since light affects the color, taste, smell and efficacy of buds, it is necessary to store them in opaque bags where light cannot enter. Polyester film bags are just the right solution because they are completely opaque. The core of which is made of aluminum; Therefore, these bags can block the light and retain the natural flavor, color and smell of the buds.

Keep buds fresh

Over time, water and air are the main culprits in degrading food. However, since the polyester film bag can keep moisture and air, the food can be kept fresh in the bag for a long time. Locking marijuana inside is the best way because it keeps the buds fresh.

No toxin

Many plastic bags add toxic chemicals to stored food. Since plastic storage bags are made of synthetic chemicals, chemicals may seep into food stored in plastic bags. In the case of polyester film bags, there is no such annoying chemical. Therefore, it is safe to store in a Mylar bag because it makes the product toxin free.


Sealing the Mylar bag is a piece of cake. They are usually sealed with impact heat sealers or clamshell heat sealers. But if you don't have any sealer, there's no problem. Heating the bag with an iron or hair straightener can also do this well. Please remember that the Mylar bag should be heat sealed to effectively perform its work.


The Mylar bag is very strong and will not be damaged even if the original seal is cleaned and removed. You can simply clean a used polyester film bag and store any other food while maintaining its original flavor and flavor.


Unlike other storage bags, polyester film bags have tear resistance. They are strong enough to carry food for a long time. Neither the bag nor the product will be damaged of any kind during storage.

Various sizes

Polyester film bags are available in many sizes, so you can easily store products of any size. This feature is particularly beneficial for the storage of cannabis, as it allows us to easily store different types of cannabis. After sealing, the polyester film bag keeps the air out and keeps the natural effect.


The polyester film bag will not let any food smell escape through the bag. The bag can't absorb the fragrance. On the contrary, even after a few months, the odor will still be retained by the bag. Marijuana odor plays an important role in enhancing its flavor. Therefore, Mylar bags are widely used for storage because they keep the smell of marijuana intact.

Permanent storage of marijuana in Mylar bags

People who use marijuana for entertainment and relaxation usually use Mylar bags to store marijuana. In addition, large pharmacy owners also use these bags to store marijuana sprouts for customers.

Polyester film bags are ideal for storing marijuana for a variety of reasons. When stored in these bags, the product is not exposed to light, oxygen or moisture. Cool and dark environment helps flower buds thrive, which is why marijuana can be permanently stored in polyester fil

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