If you grow marijuana at home, it is necessary to learn the correct storage methods. Sometimes it costs a lot of money to grow marijuana at home. Most of the time, you can't use it within a year, so it will remain on the shelf for two years.

As the cannabis industry is at its peak, more and more people are learning to grow cannabis at home. It is equally important to learn how to stockpile cultivated cannabis; Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.

In order to maintain the quality and potency of cannabis over the years, you should consider certain criteria. But before you store the big fried dough twist, you should cure them for at least four weeks. The dried marijuana can then be stored for a long time. The following are considerations when storing cannabis.


During the growth of cannabis, special attention should be paid to ensure that cannabis is exposed to oxygen to the maximum extent possible. This is done in order to obtain maximum plant growth. In the case of storage, the reverse operation needs to be performed. Protect big fried dough twist from oxygen to help them stay longer.

Exposure of cannabis sprouts to the air will lead to degradation, which will eventually change the taste and aroma of cannabis sprouts. To prevent this, people use airtight glass cans or polyester film bags and vacuum seal them. Plastic containers and bags are taboos for storing marijuana. Even if you use a vacuum sealer to seal the plastic bags, they will still let air in after a period of time. This will lead to the degradation of big fried dough twist.


Exposure to high temperatures causes two major problems. First, heat can degrade the chemicals in cannabis. Terpenes and other cannabinoids in cannabis will eventually dry up. Secondly, high temperature, especially between 77 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, is the ideal temperature for mold growth. If the humidity level increases with the temperature, the result may be worse.

In addition, low temperature is also harmful to marijuana. At low temperature, the decarboxylation process slows down and degrades thc to CBN. THC degradation ultimately affects potency. When smoking, it does not cause strong excitement.

The ideal temperature for storage of cannabis is 60 to 68 degrees. When storing marijuana, closely observe the temperature of the surrounding area. Temperature fluctuations may be detrimental to stored buds.


Large amounts of water and small amounts of water may be harmful to cannabis. During the curing process, the hemp is dried. After that, it shall be stored in a humid environment of 59% to 64%. Once the humidity exceeds 64%, mold growth is allowed.

If the humidity is below this point, the hairs may become dry and fall off. However, if the humidity reaches 75%, the risk of mold growth will be greater.

63% is the ideal humidity to maintain the flavor, aroma and efficacy of cannabis. You can get a humidity bag to keep the humidity constant throughout the process. However, it needs to be changed in a few months.


Terpenes are responsible for providing unique aroma and flavor for each cannabis variety. In order to protect the smell and taste of cannabis plants, it is necessary to protect terpenes. Since light can damage them, we should keep the light to a minimum.

Light is very important for the growth of cannabis plants. But once you harvest a plant, it should stay away from the sun. Facts have proved that ultraviolet rays from the sun are really harmful to flower buds. They promote cannabinoid degradation.

Therefore, it is best to store the buds in a dark place, away from all kinds of light. If the container you are using is transparent, you can completely cover it with a piece of cloth. You can also place marijuana containers in cabinets that are inaccessible to direct light.

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